Studies have shown that outfitting an older home with energy efficient features is up to eight times more effective than making minor improvements to new homes. But improving energy efficiency is just one reason to hire luxury home builders to remodel your home. You may be needing a new addition, a larger living room, or even a new pool and patio installed in the backyard.

Whatever your reasons for remodeling your home, there are some things you’ll need to do to prepare before the luxury custom home builders or home remodeling companies show up at your doorstep. Read on to find out some ways you should prepare for renovations before the luxury home builders come to work their magic.

Schedule the Project Mindfully

There’s a time for everything, and that includes construction and remodeling work. Summertime is better for roofing and patio projects because you can count on plenty of dry weather. Spring and fall are good seasons for smaller outdoor projects, like painting and window repair. For most climates, wintertime is only fit for indoor work.

Most people have last-minute outdoor projects and winterizing work done in the fall. Because of this, contractors tend to be incredibly busy at that time of year, especially ones that specialize in brickwork and winterizing tasks. You can make things easier for everybody by planning this kind of project for the summer, since contractors will have less going on then.

Be at Home During the Project

It might be tempting to plan a vacation for the exact period of time that the luxury home builders will be remodeling your house, but this is usually unwise. Unless you have a very dependable friend or associate you’ve commissioned to oversee the project, you’ll need to be in the area in case the contractor has questions or needs your help with something. Even with modern technology connecting all corners of the globe, nothing compares to actually being there as your project is underway.

Prepare Your Family for the Change

If you have children at home who are very young, they might be a little freaked out when a bunch of strangers in construction equipment start tearing up your home. You should explain to them what’s going to happen ahead of time, and help them focus on the exciting new addition rather than the demolition that happens first.

Entering a remodeling job can put significant pressure on your romantic relationship. From paying out hefty amounts of cash to dealing with the mess, a big construction project almost seems to challenge you at every front at once. Make sure you stay connected to your significant other during this transitory period, with time to get away and space to express your thoughts and feelings as the project progresses.

Talk to Your Neighbors

You probably aren’t legally obligated to get approval from your neighbors before you start a remodeling project unless the new structure will be placed on the property line (such as new fences or walls). However, if the project will involve heavy equipment being brought in and loud noises blanketing the neighborhood, it would be a good idea to give your neighbors a heads-up before you start. It’s simply the polite thing to do.

Prepare Your Home

The luxury home builders who are remodeling your house will do practically all of the work for you during the project. Even building permits and other legal matters are generally taken care of by the contractor.

However, before the project starts, you should make sure your home is ready for construction.

You’ll want to move all fragile items out of the work areas, such as china, artwork, photos, and electronics. Anything that might be damaged from dust or accidental dropping should be either moved to a safe place or wrapped in protective plastic.

Finally, it’s very important that all valuable items are locked up during the project. This includes jewelry, precious metals, cash, and some medications. If you don’t have a home safe, you can store these in a safe deposit box. You don’t want to get into an awkward situation with the contractor is something goes missing — especially it turns out that your child misplaced it.

By taking these smart, simple steps ahead of time, you can expect a much more streamlined and stress-free remodeling project.